

2.7 発言権


take the floor   発言する (floor: 発言権)
Chairman, can I take the floor now or should I ask for it later?

* 『発言権』の意味のfloor は、会議専用の特殊な利用法である。

have the floor   発言権を有する
While I have the floor, I also wish to touch upon the subject of security.
The delegate of Japan, you have the floor.

give the floor   発言権を与える
Mr. Chairman, thank you for giving me the floor.

request for the floor   発言権を求める
Is there anyone requesting the floor at this time?

open the floor   議事に入る
I now open the floor for any comments or questions.
The floor is open for discussion.

close the floor   議事を閉じる
The floor is now closed.