

新規・改版 ドキュメントNo 日本語タイトル 技術区分 PDF Word サマリ
JT-Y2070 HEMSとホームネットワークサービスの要件とアーキテクチャ エリアネットワーク
JT-Y2091 NGNの用語と定義 NGN
JJ-20.10(E) Digital Interface between PBX and TDM (Channel Associated Signalling) - Outline PBX
JJ-20.11(E) Digital Interface between PBX and TDM (Channel Associated Signalling) - Electrical and Physical Condition PBX
JJ-20.12(E) Digital Interface between PBX and TDM (Channel Associated Signalling) - PBX-PBX Signaling Specification PBX
JJ-20.20(E) Digital Interface between PBXs (Common Channel Signalling) - General Aspects PBX
JJ-20.21(E) Digital Interface between PBXs (Common Channel Signalling) - Interconnection Models PBX
JJ-20.22(E) Digital Interface between PBXs (Common Channel Signalling) - Service PBX
JJ-20.23(E) Digital Interface between PBXs (Common Channel Signalling) - B Channel Blocking PBX
JJ-20.24(E) VoIP (IP-QSIG) Protocol Specifications for IP Intranet Networks PBX
JJ-20.30(E) Interface between TDM-TDM - Outline PBX
JJ-20.31(E) Interface between TDM-TDM - Octet Multiplexing Format PBX
JJ-20.32(E) Interface between TDM-TDM - Bit Interleaved Multiplexing Format PBX
JJ-20.40(E) Digital Interface between PBXs (Supplementary Services) - Outline PBX
JJ-20.50(E) PBX Computer Application Interface PBX
JJ-20.60(E) Private Integrated Services Network(Inter-PBX Roaming Supplementary Service)-Specifications for inter-PBX signalling protocol PBX
JJ-20.70(E) Private Integrated Services Network(Data communication with a digital network of a different transfer rate)-Specifications for inter-PBX signalling protocol- PBX
JJ-20.80(E) TTC2M Circuit Emulation Service Interoperability Specification for Private ATM Network PBX
JJ-20.81(E) Usage of Physical Laayer for Interconnecting ATM Equipment through Leased line and ISDN PBX
JJ-21.10(E) Analog Interface for PBX and Key Telephone Terminal Equipments (SR-Signalling System) PBX
JJ-22.00(E) The Guideline for the Architecture of the Technical Specifications for Private SIP in TTC PBX
JJ-22.01(E) Technical Specifications on Inter-connection Interface between Private SIP Networks PBX
JJ-22.02(E) Inter-work Specifications between Private SIP Network and private ISDN Network PBX
JJ-22.03(E) Technical Specification on User Information Interface between Private SIP Networks PBX
JJ-22.04(E) Technical Specification on Called Party Subaddress Information Interface between Private SIP Networks PBX
JJ-22.05(E) Technical Specification Call Diversion Supplementary Services Information Interface between Private SIP Networks PBX
JJ-22.06(E) Technical Specification Call Transfer Supplementary Services Information Interface between Private SIP Networks PBX
JJ-22.07(E) Private Integrated Services Network (SIP Roaming Supplementary Service) Specifications for SIP Interface PBX
JJ-22.08(E) Technical Specification Path replacement additional network feature Information Interface between Private SIP Networks PBX
JJ-30.10(E) Interface for Identifying Receiving Terminals on a Telephone Network テレマティック
JJ-300.00(E) Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol (HTIP) エリアネットワーク
JJ-300.01(E) The List of Device Categories エリアネットワーク
JJ-300.10(E) Home network Communication Interface for ECHONET Lite (IEEE 802.15.4/4e/4g 920MHz-band Wireless) エリアネットワーク
JJ-300.11(E) Homenetwork Communication Interface for ECHONET Lite (ITU-T G.9903 Narrow band OFDM PLC) エリアネットワーク
JJ-40.20(E) Contents transfer system using SOAP/HTTP in NGN environment 映像符号化/AV通信
JJ-40.30(E) Audiovisual Communication System on SIP Network 映像符号化/AV通信
JJ-50.10(E) Digital Transmission System on Metallic Local Lines for Data Network ISDNユーザ・網インタフェース
JJ-50.20(E) Digital Transmission System on Optical Local Lines for Leased Line Service of up to 6,144kbit/s  ISDNユーザ・網インタフェース
JJ-50.30(E) Physical Layer Specifications of 155520kbit/s Optical Subscriber Line B-ISDN
JJ-70.20(E) PDC Digital Mobile Communications Network Inter-Node Interface (DMNI) Signalling Method of Mobile Packet Communications System 移動通信
JJ-90.10(E) Inter Carrier Interface based on ISUP 共通インタフェース
JJ-90.21(E) Technical Specification of a Framework for Provider’s SIP Networks 共通インタフェース
JJ-90.22(E) Technical Specification on Network Asserted User Identity Information Transferring through Provider’s SIP Networks 共通インタフェース
JJ-90.24(E) Technical Specifications on Basic Call Interface for SIP Terminals Connecting with Provider’s SIP Network 共通インタフェース
JJ-90.25(E) Technical Specifications on Inter-Carrier Interface between Managed Provider's SIP Networks 共通インタフェース
JJ-90.31(E) Common interconnection interface for carrier ENUM 共通インタフェース
JJ-90.32(E) Common interconnection interface for SIP domain name resolution based on DNS (English Edition) 共通インタフェース
JT-Q3401(E) The difference between TTC JT-Q3401 and ITU-T Q.3401 (NGN NNI Signalling Profile (Protocol Set 1)(The English Edition)) 共通インタフェース
JT-Q3402(E) The difference between TTC JT-Q3402 and ITU-T Q.3402 (NGN UNI Signalling Profile (Protocol Set 1)(The English Edition)) 共通インタフェース
JT-Y1221(E) The difference between TTC JT-Y1221 and ITU-T Y.1221 Traffic control and congestion control in IP based networks (The English Edition) NGN